Friday, March 9, 2012

Week 3 - Very Humbling

After feeling pretty good in the 2nd week, I was ready to take Week 3 by storm. Bring it on! Let's keep this recovering moving along! So many people had told me that I looked great and I was doing so well and since I'm young, I must be on the fast track to recovery.  I have to admit, I had a little ego started that I was indeed kicking butt on this and felt like a heart surgery rock star.

Next thing I knew, I had a week filled with scary names like a Thoracentesis, Pneumothorax and Dressler's Syndrome as well as a trip to the ER at 3:30am and new pains and shortness of breath. Doh!

Now don't get me wrong - I'm really trying not to complain. I realized that the most when I was talking about my frustrations with my surgeon yesterday and he asked how long ago my surgery was.  I told him 3 weeks and 2 days.  His very sarcastic response was, "And you haven't fully recovered from heart surgery yet?! Come on!"  Yep, sarcasm works on me.

Everything I have experienced is fairly common. And I do think my complications and complications of the complications are settling down now and I have a good plan to get past them.

Going forward, I probably need to work on keeping my attitude in check. I'm still very positive and confident that I'm well on my way to recovering, but I'm also accepting the fact that my body needs more time than my mind would like to get everything back in balance. I've known that from the beginning, but this week was a good reminder of that reality.

Happy Friday all! And Happy SXSW to all my friends in Austin which is where I was planning on being this week before this little adventure. I'm with y'all in spirit while I go back to my recliner to finish another book.

1 comment:

  1. Take it slow! Take care of yourself! Take this time to enjoy your boys and interact with them without work, housework, and any number of other distractions. We're all still praying for you so don't worry about that. Just keep going steady and soon you'll be where you want to be in your recovery. :-)
